Tuesday, March 24, 2009

When the timelines are squeezed.

When your life shifts from the pavement to fast lane and you need to wind your clocks, update your planners, sync your mind with the new timelines. Its an experience all together it is almost like you are told to repack your two bags into one. So you unpack the two bags,make a pile and start sorting things again dividing into can't do without, should be taken, must haves, I like these, I want these, I will need these, can think about skipping these, why did i pack these?, i will need these when those are lost; and so on. In other words re organising the things to do list, with reshuffling the priorities. It becomes a task in itself as it requires you to understand your needs in general and your need of the hour. Sometimes it becomes a choice between good and good or at times between devil and deep sea. There are no rules, no dos and donts for this decisive task which can leave you beaming or regretting after the time is over. Timeline squeezed from three days to three hours do you visit the family or see off the dear friend or attend the dinner with the big guy who could rub some magic on you or do you try and juggle three of them by shuttling between events (reminds me of some slapstick humour flick- not funny in real life i am sure). What is the algorithm to pull this one and which software can come up with the right priority list following which you would'nt regret.

Full Circle

You are strolling along your life slow and not so easy at times. You are waiting, wishing and praying struggling to make things happen. Suddenly one fine day you see all the pieces falling into place. Every puzzle piece finds its own groove. The dream job, the house, the car, the hike,victory in the battle on the love front and even those pair of red stilletoes are on sale.
You pinch yourself ten times a day!! but along with the joy comes along apprehension and anxiety. the cynical self is just wondering till when are the good times going to last and that what is next. The greedy self keeps wanting more even hoping to catch the bus which left the stop long back. The romantic self starts building bigger dreams and wanting things better and rosier. Your head is in splits asking questions "is it luck?" "no its me and my hardwork" " is the alchemist story really holding true". I believe its the time when things came around for you; your karma, those silent wishes of strangers you helped, those kind words you said magnified and those silent prayers you said for someone else. Life is uncanny but one thing which holds true "what goes around comes around".