Saturday, August 6, 2011

Painfully Beautiful

I love a cloudy day, I love when the grey engulfs and swallows all of the bright and chirpy blue. I peer out my window many times at night and love watching the eerie and enigmatic street, which becomes so trifling in the morning with no identity of its own. Stories with wicked twists and dark characters enchant, there is a lure to know more about the uncanny side, the diabolic dimension and we want more of those noxious emotions they trigger. What is so seducing about the melancholy?

What is so beautiful about the pain that not only inspires poets to write heart wrenching verses, writers to author profound literature, painters to paint the deep; masterpieces for blessed souls who would posses them for generations to come.
It is not only the artist but the audience equally spell bound with the pain or else why do many acclaimed movies leave us with a sinking feeling, why do the most legendary songs claim tears, why do books with uninhibited pain leave us clutching to the paperback for a long time?Why is dark so beautiful and intriguing?

Maybe as this beauty is born out of human imagination belonging to the deep recesses of human mind; where lies the pain of past, struggles of life, and miseries borrowed.I believe because pain is the only emotion which in real sense makes us feel alive; i does make us feel human at many levels more than any other emotion is capable of, there – lies its beauty...
What do you feel how beautiful is pain?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

No Regrets

“Jumpppppp!!!! We are in Queeeee!!!!” and then all I remember is my heart flipping and my feet plunging, my body following into the depths of chlorinated blue green waters of the swimming pool. I came out and heard the lifeguard scream out to me to clear the area for the next guy waiting to jump from the highest board of the Olympic size swimming facility. I had done it! Blurry eyed I looked around and saw the nodding and smiles which I took it for granted were for my great fall. I was thirteen and I had conquered one of my biggest fears of my childhood. It took me five times of standing in the queue peering down and taking stairs back. Though I still have butterflies in my stomach and a vertigo to think about the breezy summer evening when I was shivering on the concrete edge just entering my teens and ready to face my worst fears of those days. Knowing it would not kill me something inside me always used to pull me back, can’t place a finger on that feeling though it would be a common one. Bungee jumping is my new found fear factor where I imagine myself quivering and clawing against the cobwebs of indescribable emotions while plunging into the unknown rendering myself to the strength of the mere harness. It is a very metaphorical way of looking at many situations in life. There are so many times I have peered into unknown , calculated, assessed, reassessed, exhausted all mental faculty to decide and then just taken the plunge leaving it to that something that will save my soul and will get me back upright unscathed. Lot of people think impulse and the rush are a fool’s way. But who has seen beyond and who has guaranteed the exact rewards. But after you have taken the plunge you would have experienced the raw emotions you had no clue you in your human form could feel. But if you walk back go down the steps to cover every ladder rung would feel tiring and you would be weighed down with regret. How many times would you make it to places you have an option to plunge or how many times you would get to that height where you can dive down to the unknowns. Well my epitaph will read “No Regrets” so I am going to ride the scariest roller coaster, see the tiger in the wild, dive into the deepest seas and yes I am going to jump with my both feet in it.