Saturday, September 3, 2011

Thank You Life and Your Strange ways!

So when I heard Steve Jobs saying that "You will be able to join the dots in the end!" the cynicism in me kicked in and i said to myself in my head "Yeah right when you get it all right in the end you damn well can join the dots!". But over a period of time going through the paved ways, trudging through the murky thick times, sailing right under the sunny skies and going over the small bumps i totally agree with Mr. Jobbs as i do with his technology; Life surely has a plan to make sense out of your story.

The theory of butterfly flapping wings to start a tornado; i have no written or read proofs for why these disasters happen or what triggers it. Which of the winged species caused the Irene or which animal got into whom to cast a holocaust. But from my insignificant life compared to the mother nature i have started to believe that every incident and circumstance has a time, place and the reason. I am still not sure that if its a balanced equation or a chain reaction but surely there are these series of events which would rationalize every irrational happening in the end.

Every tough time i went through has gifted me a true friend, every bad boss hass given me a better opportunity, every difficult place has provided me my anchors and every lost way has given a new breath to my life!

So raise your glasses dears and dearies to The Life and its unseen twists and turns!