Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Day i knew i was getting old...

No it was not my birthday today, its not until April; nor was it the New years. It was just a normal day, another Wednesday in my clockwork of a life. Until number of random incidents kept reinforcing the fact that i was other side of the generation gap. It started when in the gym owner of this not so chiseled body strikes a conversation "my trainer does not understand that people our age cannot workout like those young folks", I looked around and it was just the two of us at the lockers. I just screamed in my head  'our age!'. Drive back was an uncomfortable silence i shared with my mind, i did not want to discuss it.

It was all forgotten until my chat with a school friend went  down this road -
I :"so what is your ex girlfriend from school up to, you guys in touch"
Friend: " Yeah she is married and has become fat"
Friend:"You know where your high school love is"
I: "No clue, you would know; you guys were thick as thieves"
F: " well he has a three year old son :)"
What the hell! I threw a baby shower for friends two days back, What is it? Babies are taking over the world? Is this a planned invasion or is the biological clock ticking away for everyone around me.
It was not even noon when i was heading back for lunch, these school kids on a bike zipped past me, and in my head i said out loud "these kids are so reckless!" and i heard myself. This time i had a lump in my throat, i was almost on the brink of this realization but i cranked up the volume and put my foot on the gas.
Then came the cruel hand of memory which yanked me out of my oblivion. When a mail popped up with subject line reading "Valentines day offer on all luxury brands". I fell from the cloud above with a thud. I had forgotten that tomorrow is valentine's day! I was not only on my way down the hill i was rolling towards the bottom quite fast. The day yes twenty nothings plan ahead months in advance, the day in teen years is the judgement day, I myself have flown from south to west of this country for this day and only for a day. Well i had no recall or even a clue that it was the same month. I realized i have turned old, like how milk turn sour.
Well i can only console and tell myself that it is ok to be old, life only gets better like a good wine from now on. But the saddest part is that instead of tequilla i think of wine; instead of handcuffs i think of cufflinks.
Oh God why me, why us! ~ yes i am quoting from friends; one more reason that i should soon get that 'anti age cream'.

1 comment:

  1. No yaar... not old and all... just people with better taste... and about that workout part, please kick that "not so chiseled" bodied person. Its the not so chiseled body thats looking for an excuse to not be chiseled...
