Tuesday, August 31, 2010


The grey tones of the sky,when everything looks out of an old picture album. I love the look of this city when it is cloudy. The old discolored buildings look beautiful, the sea looks as an extension of grey sky and the traffic seems less harsh. I like trotting off in the drizzle too when droplets keep hitting and missing sometimes. Its such a nice feeling, so romantic, so holiday like when you want to go for a drive or have coffee with friends and not work.
Yesterday was just like that when i was sipping my green tea and devouring the mumbai gossip columns. Suddenly i looked out and i could not see many of the buildings and hear much. It had started raining, rather pouring pails. I was all snuggled up in my dry home and was enjoying only the patter of the rain as pitter couldnt be heard. Suddenly my phone beeped and there it was the tolling of the death bells. I had had to go make a family call and visit the not so far in relation but geographically quite away relatives. I braced myself with the rain cheater, my bag in obnoxious poly bags and stepped out. I have been mostly lucky with autos in mumbai, but this time they pulled a bangalore on me! it was deja vu no autos and if there were turned a deaf ear to my pleas. my rain cheater got cheated by rain; and shoes not so water proof got soaking wet. Super optimistic i looked at the bright side in the cloudy weather and thought i am just a lap away from my place. I can wade through and get the inevitable weapon the umbrella. Yeah laugh out loud i was depending too much on the branded water proof zipper. I changed and again this time doubly ready with the umbrella and the right pair of shoes stepped out a little more confident. Lucky as i am i got a rick right outside my building; i couldnt stop smiling. i got in the royal ride and closed the tarpoline curtains; drawing them sometimes to peer out at the scene outside. It was all wet wet wet and splash,splash, splash. At this one traffic light i was rummaging through the profound thoughts of counting my blessings and feeling sorry for the people without protection from rain Gods. Suddenly my saving angel, that the auto driver snapped me out of the gratitude and told me that i have to take another auto as his had a flat. In disbelief the sympathiser became the empathizer. after five mins of struggle with the umbrella to get it to open and ten minutes of dodging the traffic and fifteen minutes of eternal wait for another of those knights in bajaj armours. I got an auto!
When i came back my toes had wrinkled to age 90 and my clothes had become the second skin, i still could hear the patter.
Today in the papers they splashed it all over that yesterday was the wettest day. Its sunny today but ironically no one wants me to meet them badly today.


  1. oh ho :) Lets meet today then :)
    Beautifully written and narrated. I loved the flow of this post, from a silent observer ensconced in her room to a pedestrian caught amidst the mire. Every observation nicely articulated.
    You should write more :)

  2. Ironic day like this make life beautiful, colourful. Even if somebody meet next sunny day,, you might forget this day in future...
    but your beautiful mind make sure you never ever forget that wet day...

    Ironically ironic...

    You are very fluent in describing your thoughts....
