Saturday, June 11, 2011

Round Robin

“Excuse me! There is a queue” and a glare is shot at a clueless face, which is last seen fading out in embarrassment; everyone looks smug when the guilty goes where he belongs to as if a much deserved was punished. It has happened to all of us one time or the other when we have got the dirtiest looks and have wished for “Thy hallowed Ring” to magically appear like it happened for Froddo or just want to shrink and wriggle away under the carpet; but when on the other side we have played the guardian of the queue – ship and shot down who ever has tried to violate the chaste vow of first in first out. Only those who have stuck to the line get to have the first serves or to be the first payee or become the first payer or gets to get his tooth pulled out before others.

Airport rush, ticket counters, self service food joints, ration cards, driver’s licence, doctor’s appointment, still grooving clubs, payment queues and any other place where more than two people have gathered; these are the locations or circumstances where you get to see the backbone of our social system “The Queue” or colloquially known as “The Line”. From getting movie tickets to getting to watch the movie to loo breaks; Even siblings are suppose to follow the queue system; the first one gets the bike, the passport to late nights and even gets to get married first; it has nothing to do with age.; just that he got here first!
In a day’s time we get an opportunity to be a part of this social system too often. It is a self sustaining system. No queue keepers required nor are any queue creators; here the queue itself minds its way. Whenever there is a breach in this system the Queue – ers become the self appointed custodians of the queue.
Queue is a strange phenomenon occurring anywhere but we need to thank those few human sensibilities for its occurrence.
Lot of emotions fly around the queues; men this one time want to change their gender for getting the privilege of shorter queues.
Women suddenly feel that two square feet area just belongs to them anyone evading this space is hit by a volley of – “excuse me please mind your hand / bag / umbrella / child/dog/ass/goat”. Every one of them is at their volatile best; the egos are vulnerable and nerves all frayed. You want to pick up a fight with someone go and stand just jump the queue and stand right in front of her/him and ignore the warning signs then u can see fireworks I bet. Though people become quite comfortable in the queues by simple distractions for calming them many bring along their friends to skirt along the line and keep them occupied and entertained through the waiting time. While some Queu - er would have that long pending phone call to the long lost aunt. While the other would be busy updating FB status “stuck in queue”/ “long queue; such a waste of time”/ “I wish I was shahrukh khan and jump this long queue”. People argue debate, fight, empathise, lend an ear, turn a deaf one all this and much more just standing in the queue. How much ever we hate the round robin system but we should be thankful it exists as it must have helped us evade many a wars.

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