Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Sloth in me

I would have been a billionaire if there was a job like lazying around. I would have worked hard at it. I feel it is a privilege now days to get those few times in a month or a year to hibernate, just not do anything at all but stare at the lemon tree. My top five lazy moments would be

5) Sunday afternoon starting at one, chilled beers are popped open one after the other, one large pizza and few movies those ones dodged at the nearest theatre when they were showing. Laid back hours linger on till you fall into oblivion and wake up a little hung over in evening along with pre Monday blues giving you that strange sinking feeling that is quite a party pooper.

4) The mid week holiday when u cannot getaway and do not feel like doing the weekend chores as they haven’t piled up. You just park on a couch and ruminate on newspapers. Keep flicking channels with lot of chai and leftover chakna (read drink accompaniments Indian style from batter fried peanuts, aaloo chips, strange farsaan) from last week’s impromptu house party.

3) One of my all times favourite is long train journey. Few pre requisites for the slothful train experience - the journey has to be more than sixteen hours, you have to be in an a.c sleeper class and the most important you need to have a side upper berth. But to have a fulfilling experience you have to have an overloaded I pod, two to three magazines you can just flip from cover to cover and a fiction with lot of masala. Though I am not much of a snack person but munching brings flavour to the experience. Starting with making the bed of the berth at four p.m or whatever time you boarded , start flipping through the magazine for fifteen minutes and then doze off, waking up to hawkers voice and tummy rumblings. Polishing of a plate of bhel and some masala chai then back to reading and then back to bed, in these precious hours you can indulge the sloth in you without any guilt trips.

2) One lazy exercise which I love is sleeping on rainy afternoons when strayed raindrops find their way through the windows and the smell of rain seeps in. All you feel like doing is getting in the cosy quilt and smiling in your sleep. The best rainy naps I have experienced have been in Bangalore oh how I miss the place, the amazing weather; it makes you just want to go back to blissful sleep. No wonder they call it retiree’s paradise. Even winter mornings in mountains has a similar effect when it is just too cold to step out and languidness has run into your bones. All you can do is pull out of the layers of quilts to sit up for a cup of hot coffee and view of the mountains covered in snow hypnotizing you to go back to sleep. For this one you need to make a trip to higher reaches.

1) Then are those Friday evenings (only when you have Saturdays are included in the weekend) when you get back home early just to catch up on the T.V watching. Friday evenings you can get away with a lot. Skipping gym, ordering food when there is homemade food, sleeping at three in morning and just being parked in front of t.v and the inertia not even allow you to change out of your work clothes!

I hope I have inspired you enough to take a journey to the yawning side of life!


  1. wow .....DITTTO tanu!!! it ws fun reading this while in office ..:-P ...

  2. @Raj was that woohoo a good one or a sarcastic one??

    @Aditi yeah at office i keep getting such wasteful thoughts ;)

  3. Nicely written Tanu...Putting your creative talents to good use ;)
