Monday, June 27, 2011

True Under Dog Story -1

Spotty was a good looking, agile Dalmatian and was a favourite in his lane. He had friends who loved hanging out with him and his family who always wished well for him. He had a smiling face and a smiling outlook towards life. Spotty was doing well for himself, he had a dedicated room in the blue and red king kennel and also his own white and black bowl. It was a good life morning walk, chasing the mailman and milkman, noon siestas, training under Uncle Bruno, games in the moonlight in the park and his mother, but he had these big dreams of going to the big city and chasing cars and hanging out with highway bullies. Though Uncle Chester had not made it big and had to come back to Harding Lane his stories were as enchanting as fairytales and closer to reality. Bruno never liked Chester telling the boys his wild stories about the big bad world because Chester never told the boys how bewildering and deluding city ride can be and that not all of their fellow canines get to wag their tongues out of those car windows. But Spotty did not bother much as he loved day dreaming about the city with a beach and bright lights and endless possibilities for life.

Few days after Spotty completed eighteen dog years and had lived on the lane for one year and seven months, he with his park friends had stayed back for a little longer than usual at the park racing each other. Now that they were officially adults they did not care about the staying out late nor did their mothers on most of the days. Bling got tired and went for a drink after a little while there was a loud shout and Spotty as a lightning bolt jumped the gate and got out on the road where Bling was standing and he understood it was not a hurtful shout but that full of excitement. There it was standing on the side of the road the orange monster with his big light bulb eyes and humungous snout which made noises like grunts when it was gearing up to run they knew it was called a Truck and where they are from was courtesy Uncle Chester, he had also told them that there were many of these on the city roads and in the bravest of the lane Uncle chester the hero had rode on the monster to the city. Though uncle Chester forgot to tell these youngsters how dangerous they were when awake and running and how many of their kind were trampled to death by these monsters.
Spotty couldn’t help but stare at the truck all he could think was about the life if he just dares once and takes the leap of faith. Bling and others were meekly standing far and were ready in the sprinting position waiting for any sign of life. But spotty was mesmerized and was just planning his future life. Suddenly there was a flicker of light in the eyes, and then a blood rush; Bling watched with an open mouth as he saw Spotty get on the back of the monster and they ran to the lane.

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